




Annual Savings


To lower toll costs and the expense of managing toll activity 

With 7,100 tractors in service across North America, Werner Enterprises sought to reduce toll costs by taking advantage of available discounts provided by tolling authorities, and by reducing the cost of transponder violations caused by inaccurate toll station readings. Additionally, the carrier sought to drive down the cost of managing toll activity and processing in house. 


Werner Enterprises began using Bestpass bulk purchasing and streamlined toll management services in 2011. Today, the fleet has about 7,500 Bestpass single toll and weigh station bypass transponders in use. Previously, operating in 48 U.S. states and Canada meant some vehicles had as many as six transponders. 

Bestpass uses its bulk purchasing power to provide Werner with toll discounts and maximizes management efficiency through its toll management solutions. Currently, Bestpass has more than 230,000 active transponders in the field and is processing more than $1.15 million in toll every day. To date, Bestpass has provided its customers with more than $57 million in toll cost savings. 


Adding up savings from toll discounts, reconciliation and streamlined administrative processes 

Bestpass is providing Werner with as much as $200,000 in annual savings. In one state, they successfully renegotiated discounts that were about to expire and saved over $75,000 per year. In another where the carrier was not getting any discounts, it is now saving about $75,000 annually. Additionally, Bestpass is resolving as much as $3,000 per month in transponder violation issues for the fleet. 

“Once we started talking to Bestpass there was no turning back. They have been out in front of our needs, including being very aggressive about adding tolling authorities to their network. They also consistently address our concerns with excellent customer service. Bestpass is very proactive in everything they’re doing. They are constantly asking what they can do to serve us more effectively, and they always have the carrier’s best interest in mind, all at a lower cost.”

Alicia Rist, Manager Driver Payroll, Permits, & Tolls, Werner Enterprises

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