
To streamline toll management and lower toll costs 

With 100 trucks in service, including 80 company-owned tractors and 20 owner-operators, SAV Express was looking for a means of realizing higher toll discounts, and for a streamlined administrative process for toll management that would include a single transponder for toll and weigh station bypass. 


SAV Express began using Bestpass bulk purchasing and streamlined toll management services in 2013. Today, the fleet’s 100 vehicles have single transponders for both toll and weigh station bypass. The 20 dedicated owner-operators that serve the fleet also use Bestpass transponders provided by SAV Express for a nominal weekly rental fee. 

Bestpass uses its bulk purchasing power to provide SAV Express with toll discounts and maximizes management efficiency through its toll management solutions. Currently, Bestpass has more than 230,000 active transponders in the field and is processing more than $1.15 million in toll every day. To date, Bestpass has provided its customers with more than $57 million in toll cost savings. 


Cutting toll costs and realizing administrative savings 

With the purchasing power of Bestpass, SAV Express is realizing higher toll discounts. Administrative time savings are also being realized by using a single transponder for toll and weigh station bypass, consolidated billing and account management tools that make data on toll use and locations by truck readily available. 

“The administrative benefits we realize by using Bestpass are unmatched. Data on tolls by truck is readily available to us, and if we do have any toll station or transponder issues an account manager who is available 24/7 handles them quickly and efficiently. We would recommend Bestpass to anyone. This service is well worth it for any carrier.” 

Dana Achartz, Safety Compliance Manager, SAV Express

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