




Bestpass Transponders


Dart operates all over the United States and had been using several toll services to piece together the toll coverage that they needed. Managing cash toll receipts, mailed invoices and multiple toll accounts was becoming far too time consuming and expensive. 


Bestpass stepped in to provide a consolidated toll management service, including nationwide coverage, one statement for all toll activity, and a single point of contact for customer service. By using the Bestpass customer web portal, Dart employees can now log in at any time to see up-to-date toll information and manage their entire fleet. 


Dart has streamlined its toll management operations, saving time and money, while relying on Bestpass as the toll experts for commercial fleets. Dart’s employees are spending less time managing toll, which frees them up to focus on other projects. Bestpass also helped resolve a large number of undocumented and outstanding toll transactions by working with tolling authorities, saving Dart thousands of dollars in unnecessary toll expenses. 

“Bestpass offered a convenient solution to streamline our toll management. They helped with consolidating toll management to one place, which is saving people at Dart a considerable amount of time. Since opening our account with Bestpass, they have been quick to meet our needs and help with any issues that came up.” 

Steve Ries, Licensing, Fueling & Permits, Dart Transit Company

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